Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Winter Weather Part III - The Recovery

The first 2 weeks of recovery are behind us and so far progress has been very good, despite Mother Nature's determination to derail our best efforts with snowfall and frosty temperatures.  Our persistence in removing and replacing green covers on an almost daily basis along with verticutting, spiking, topdressing, fertilizing and irrigating resulted in much of the Poa annua springing back to life from winter dormancy.  Additionally all greens have been seeded with Bentgrass which is beginning to germinate.  Some of the early results are outlined below.

The Practice Putting green appeared almost completely dead on April 7th (above).  Just 12 days later much of the Poa annua has decided to break winter dormancy and spend another season at Ridgemoor.  The areas that remain brown reflect the low areas where water collected and formed the thickest ice layer, causing "suffocation" of the Poa annua.  These areas have all been seeded and we are observing germination at this point.

The 18th green was spotty at best on April 7th.  Much of the green color is Bentgrass that had no trouble surviving the winter (above).  By April 19th the 18th green was on the mend (below).

The 7th green on April 7th (above) and April 19th (below).

The front of the 7th green shows small areas where the Poa annua did not survive as of April 12th (above).

Close inspection of these thin areas on April 19th revealed the germination of Bentgrass seed!  This is a huge leap forward in the recovery process and we are noting similar results on ALL GREENS at this point! 

On April 21st the 18th green received it's 2nd mowing of the season.  One of the better greens, I expect to open this green and others in similar condition beginning early next week.